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Passion For Style

Charal models stunningly in commercial, editorial, fashion, and runway roles. With her background in acting, Natalie can express different emotions and characters in a convincing and captivating manner. Additionally, Natalie has danced and choreographed for over ten years, and she likes to push herself to do creative and versatile poses and shapes in her modeling.


Natalie Charal has exhibited an enthusiasm for fashion since childhood, playing dress up with her friends. She still lights up to try on new outfits whenever she has the chance to do so. Charal even makes her own designs from time to time, drawing inspiration from Audrey Hepburn and others in her era as well as her own colorful imagination since learning to sew at age eight. She embodies the taste, modesty, class, and beauty scarce in the world today.

A Standard For Excellence

With a brand focusing on art, excellence, and expression without revealing her body, Natalie holds high qualifications for her modeling. She believes her body to be sacred, not meant to be revealed to the world. Specifically, Charal will not wear outfits that show the stomach, thighs, shoulders, or participate in sexual poses or content. However, this does not take away from her passion for poses, movement, color, fashion/style, and she is willing to contribute in any way she can within her standards.


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